Before booking
You can not book more than 12 tickets per order. If you wish to purchase more than 12 tickets you have to make separate orders. We apologize for the inconvenience.
For large volume purchases please contact us and we will satisfy your requests.
Payment methods
Each Ticket and Guided Tour can be purchased on this website by Credit Card, PayPal or Bank Transfer through your Home Banking.
The payment with Bank Transfer is done via SOFORT service and it is perfectly safe. By SOFORT you will access your Home Banking with your credentials and you can pay by Bank Transfer. The security is guaranteed by SOFORT Banking.
The purchase is possible through any kind of device: smartphone, tablet, computer.
In no case this website will be aware of your confidential information for payment.
After payment
The reservation provides you a voucher that has to be shown at the Booked Desk at least 15 minutes before the entrance.
The Voucher is manually generated as additional control and can take some time to be delivered to your inbox. Wait for the email with the link to download the voucher within 48 hours.
IMPORTANT NOTE: buying any combo ticket or Guided Tour you must visit BEFORE the Colosseum at the date and time indicated on the Voucher. Later, if included in the Ticket, you can visit the Roman Forum and the Palatine within the ticket validity. Please pay attention to the opening hours of the various sites and monuments.